Dash Slash

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The signature Nail Art of Nailmaster Oro. Strike ahead quickly after dashing forward.
Location: Kingdom's Edge
Acquired from: Nailmaster Oro

Dash Slash is a Nail Art in Hollow KnightNail Arts are abilities that are taught by Nailmasters. Nail Arts simply is a stronger version of a basic attack that is executed in multiple attacks - its overall damage depends on the type of Nail that is equipped.


Hollow Knight How to use Dash Slash

  • Dash Slash is a long range attack.
  • Hold the attack button to charge and release it to perform the attack.


Where to find Dash Slash in Hollow Knight


Hollow Knight Dash Slash Damage

The damage dealt by a Nail Art depends on the type of Nail that is equipped, listed below is the damage value of each Nail.


Dash Slash Notes & Tips in Hollow Knight

  • There are only three Nail Arts that can be learned from the Nailmasters.
  • Equipping the Nailmaster's Glory Charm reduces the time to charge Nail Arts.
  • Equipping the Fury of the Fallen Charm strengthens the damage of the Nail Arts



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    • Anonymous

      I don't know how I managed to get this as my first nail art lmao, I guess it's because I didn't revisit greenpath after getting the crystal ability and I got to kingdoms edge via the singer

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