Great Slash

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The signature Nail Art of Nailmaster Sheo. Unleashes a huge slash directly in front of you which deals extra damage to foes.
Location: Greenpath
Acquired from: Nailmaster Sheo

Great Slash is a Nail Art in Hollow KnightNail Arts are abilities that are taught by Nailmasters. Nail Arts simply is a stronger version of a basic attack that is executed in multiple attacks - its overall damage depends on the type of Nail that is equipped.


Hollow Knight How to use Great Slash

  • Great Slash executes a powerful slash.
  • Hold down the attack button to charge and release it without pressing the Up button or using dash.


Where to find Great Slash in Hollow Knight


Hollow Knight Great Slash Damage

The damage dealt by a Nail Art depends on the type of Nail that is equipped, listed below is the damage value of each Nail.


Great Slash Notes & Tips in Hollow Knight

  • There are only three Nail Arts that can be learned from the Nailmasters.
  • Equipping the Nailmaster's Glory Charm reduces the time to charge Nail Arts.
  • Equipping the Fury of the Fallen Charm strengthens the damage of the Nail Arts.
  • Other notes and tips go here.



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