
grimmchild hollow knight wiki charms

Cost: soul cost hollow knight wikisoul cost hollow knight wiki
Geo:  N/A
Location: King's Passage, Dirtmouth
Effect: The bearer must seek the Grimmkin and collect their flames. Uncollected flames will appear on the bearer's map

Grimmchild in Hollow Knight is one out of the 45 Charms that are found in the game. These charms are special items that provide The Knight buffs that will help with both traversing Hallownest and battling its foes. Charms require Notches and can only be equipped and unequipped while having The Knight sit on a bench.


Hollow Knight Grimmchild Information

"Worn by those who take part in the Grimm Troupe's Ritual."

Grimmchild is a charm that summons a Grimmchild familiar that grows stronger after successfully completing certain requirements for each of its phase. Once The Knight equips this charm, players will be able to find the location of the flames that are indicated on the map.

This charm also allows The Knight to enter the mind of Troupe Master Grimm and face Nightmare King Grimm.


Grimmchild Acquisition in Hollow Knight

 Grimmchild Damage

  • No Upgrades: 5 Damage
  • One Upgrade: 8 Damage
  • Two Upgrades: 11 Damage


Hollow Knight (HK) Grimmchild Notes & Tips

  • This charm is available in the DLC: The Grimm Troupe.
  • Charms can only be equipped and unequipped by using a bench.



All Charms in Hollow Knight
Baldur Shell  ♦  Carefree Melody  ♦  Dashmaster  ♦  Deep Focus  ♦  Defender's Crest  ♦  Dream Wielder  ♦  Dreamshield  ♦  Flukenest  ♦  Fragile Greed  ♦  Fragile Heart  ♦  Fragile Strength  ♦  Fury of the Fallen  ♦  Gathering Swarm  ♦  Glowing Womb  ♦  Grubberfly's Elegy  ♦  Grubsong  ♦  Heavy Blow  ♦  Hiveblood  ♦  Joni's Blessing  ♦  Kingsoul  ♦  Lifeblood Core  ♦  Lifeblood Heart  ♦  Longnail  ♦  Mark of Pride  ♦  Nailmaster's Glory  ♦  Quick Focus  ♦  Quick Slash  ♦  Shaman Stone  ♦  Shape of Unn  ♦  Sharp Shadow  ♦  Soul Catcher  ♦  Soul Eater  ♦  Spell Twister  ♦  Spore Shroom  ♦  Sprintmaster  ♦  Stalwart Shell  ♦  Steady Body  ♦  Thorns of Agony  ♦  Unbreakable Greed  ♦  Unbreakable Heart  ♦  Unbreakable Strength  ♦  Void Heart  ♦  Wayward Compass  ♦  Weaversong


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    • Weak charm and probaly not worth it. Low damage low accuracy low range low fire rate.

      But grimmchild carried me through the delicate flower quest so she(I assume it's female) has got my respect. Btw I got 2 perfect bossfights (grimm and grimm) by having this charm.

      • He makes sounds... like a CAT! ♥️ “Nyaaa, nya-nyaaaa! Nyaarr... Meeeyaaa!” Seriously, the plaintive little “meeow”! It’s adorable! And instead of coughing up a hairball, he coughs up a fireball, making a very similar catlike sound as well (if you have a cat, you know exactly what I mean!) “Nyaaaaaaahh-haaghh!” :P

        Haha! I love Grimmchild SO much. His company is just so comforting, and he protects you with his sacred fire! Precious, beloved little mewling flame child! Mini-Grimm! Little Master! ^_^♥️

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