Lifeblood Heart

lifeblood heart hollow knight wiki charms

Cost: soul cost hollow knight wikisoul cost hollow knight wiki
Geo:  hollow knight wiki geo icon250
Location: Forgotten Crossroads
Effect: When resting, the bearer will gain a coating of lifeblood that protects from a modest amount of damage.

Lifeblood Heart in Hollow Knight is one out of the 45 Charms that are found in the game. These charms are special items that provide The Knight buffs that will help with both traversing Hallownest and battling its foes. Charms require Notches and can only be equipped and unequipped while having The Knight sit on a bench.


Hollow Knight Lifeblood Heart Information

"Contains a living core that seeps precious lifeblood."

Lifeblood Heart is a charm that provides The Knight 2 Lifeblood Masks when resting at a bench. The addition of Lifeblood Masks helps with increasing The Knight's health and durability, however, if The Knight takes any damage, players will not be able to recover it with Focus.


Lifeblood Heart Acquisition in Hollow Knight


Hollow Knight (HK) Lifeblood Heart Notes & Tips



All Charms in Hollow Knight
Baldur Shell  ♦  Carefree Melody  ♦  Dashmaster  ♦  Deep Focus  ♦  Defender's Crest  ♦  Dream Wielder  ♦  Dreamshield  ♦  Flukenest  ♦  Fragile Greed  ♦  Fragile Heart  ♦  Fragile Strength  ♦  Fury of the Fallen  ♦  Gathering Swarm  ♦  Glowing Womb  ♦  Grimmchild  ♦  Grubberfly's Elegy  ♦  Grubsong  ♦  Heavy Blow  ♦  Hiveblood  ♦  Joni's Blessing  ♦  Kingsoul  ♦  Lifeblood Core  ♦  Longnail  ♦  Mark of Pride  ♦  Nailmaster's Glory  ♦  Quick Focus  ♦  Quick Slash  ♦  Shaman Stone  ♦  Shape of Unn  ♦  Sharp Shadow  ♦  Soul Catcher  ♦  Soul Eater  ♦  Spell Twister  ♦  Spore Shroom  ♦  Sprintmaster  ♦  Stalwart Shell  ♦  Steady Body  ♦  Thorns of Agony  ♦  Unbreakable Greed  ♦  Unbreakable Heart  ♦  Unbreakable Strength  ♦  Void Heart  ♦  Wayward Compass  ♦  Weaversong


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