
midwife npc icon hollow knight wiki

Location Deepnest

Midwife is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Midwife is an arachnoid being and a former servant of Deepnest who claims to have the answers to The Knight's questions.


Hollow Knight Midwife Information

Midwife is a long-bodied black arachnoid being that emerges from a wall in a chamber of Deepnest. As her name implies, she was a servant and midwife of Herrah and Deepnest. She claims that she can provide information that The Knight is looking for, but later on opens up her mask, revealing a mouth filled with sharp fangs, and attempts to attack and devour The Knight. She doesn't take any damage from being hit, but she does inflict damage on The Knight if you are caught in her attack - attacking her once will cause her to shrink back into her wall. She will re-appear after re-entering the area, coyly apologizing for her appetite, but will state she's still hungry. If The Knight goes to her once more, she will compliment them, calling them a caring host, but still attacks them. Further attempts to talk to her will result in the third dialogue being repeated, and once again she will attack.

Midwife is an NPC who can tell when the Knight is reading her thoughts with the Dream Nail. When the Dream Nail is used on Midwife, she will defensively scream at them to get out of her head. Though she provides the Knight with some history regarding Deepnest, her seemingly gentle and calm facade is a deception in order to lure the Knight so she can get a meal.

  • Location: Midwife Can be found behind a breakable wall at the end of a corridor at the bottom right exit of the Distant Village.
  • Combat: Players may not kill Midwife.


Midwife Associated Quests in Hollow Knight

  • Midwife has no associated quests in Hollow Knight.


Midwife Dialogue in Hollow Knight

Oh. Please. Please. Don't be shy. There are some nasties about here alright. Not me. I'm friend to all and happy to serve a traveller so bold as you. Is it information you seek? That I can provide. Yes. Oh yes. Heehee.

That village above here, home to a sad creature. Hers is a tale of tragic exchange. Cost her and her people greatly, though I suspect she bore no regret in making it. Heehee, yes. I know. I know. You're intrigued. You want to know the tale. Well I'm sorry. I'd love to tell it, but I'm just, I'm very, very sorry, and I haven't eat in some time...

And oh, I'm STAA-AARVING...


Hollow Knight (HK) Midwife Notes & Tips

  • When struck by the Dream Nail, she is aware and enraged that the Knight is reading her thoughts, as her thoughts are, “Gah!! Get out! Get out! Get out!”
  • When the Weaversong Charm is equipped, her Dream Nail thoughts change to, “Just because you’re suddenly rich with threaded friends, don’t think you’re welcome in my mind! Out! Out! Out!”



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    • Anonymous

      The trivia is wrong. There’s no dialogue that suggests she despises the Knight.

      When you dream nail her, she’s saying “Get out! Get out! Get out!” Indicating she is aware the Knight is dream nailing her, suggesting she doesn’t want the Knight poking around in her thoughts.

      This doesn’t indicate any ill will towards the Knight like the trivia suggests, she just wants the Knight out of her mind.

      • Anonymous

        There’s different dialogue if you dream nail her with weaversong equipped.

        “Just because you’re suddenly rich with threaded friends, don’t think you’re welcome in my mind! Out! Out! Out!”

        It seems like she’s one of the few NPCs who are aware of the Knight dream nailing them.

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