Mister Mushroom

mister mushroom npc hollow knight wiki guide

Mister Mushroom is an NPC in Hollow Knight. He will start appearing in various locations after defeating the three Dreamers.


Hollow Knight Mister Mushroom Information

Mister Mushroom is a mysterious entity who is part of the mushroom "Hivemind", this can be seen as he seems to be talking to other entities including the Hungry Knight, a character for an eponymous Team Cherry game. He is also known as the Herald or Master Herald. You may first find him in the Fungal Wastes standing right where Cornifer used to sell his map in the Fungal Wastes after defeating the three Dreamers.


How to Get the Passing of the Age Achievement in Hollow Knight

To trigger the quest start, you need to equip the Spore Shroom Charm before talking to him. If you interact with him without it, you won't understand what he's saying – only gibberish – and the quest won't progress. In order to get the achievement, you need to interact with Mister mushroom in the following locations :

  1. In the Fungal Wastes, where Cornifer sells his map and after the three dreamers are Dreamnailed.
  2. In Kingdom's Edge. In a Small Cave on the middle left of the tall area between the tram station and the main area.
  3. In Deepnest. In the bottom left corner of the rectangular room bellow the failed tramway.
  4. In the Howling Cliffs. Inside of nailmaster Mato's house.
  5. In the Ancient Basin. In room just after the broken vessel fight.
  6. In the Fog Canyon. in the left side of the rectangular room just below the overgrown mound.
  7. In the Kings Pass, exactly where the Knight starts the game.

Following this, getting any ending will add a secret scene as well as giving you the 'Passing of the Age" achievement.


Hollow Knight (HK) Mister Mushroom Notes & Tips

  • Mister Mushroom references a past unsuccessful Newgrounds game developed by Team Cherry called “Hungry Knight”.
  • He is the only character that breaks the fourth wall.
  • He was created to fill the empty spots left by Cornifer after he goes away
  • The icon for the 'Passing of the Age' achievement is the only achievement icon in color



All NPCs in Hollow Knight
Bardoon  ♦  Bretta  ♦  Brumm  ♦  Charm Lover Salubra  ♦  Cloth  ♦  Confessor Jiji  ♦  Cornifer  ♦  Distant Villagers  ♦  Divine  ♦  Dreamers  ♦  Dung Defender  ♦  Elderbug  ♦  Eternal Emilitia  ♦  Fluke Hermit  ♦  Godseeker  ♦  Grey Mourner  ♦  Grimmsteed  ♦  Grub  ♦  Grubfather  ♦  Herrah the Beast  ♦  Hornet  ♦  Iselda  ♦  Leg Eater  ♦  Little Fool  ♦  Lurien the Watcher  ♦  Mask Maker  ♦  Midwife  ♦  Monomon the Teacher  ♦  Moss Prophet  ♦  Moth  ♦  Myla  ♦  Nailmaster Mato  ♦  Nailmaster Oro  ♦  Nailmaster Sheo  ♦  Nailsmith  ♦  Nymm  ♦  PoggyThorax  ♦  Quirrel  ♦  Relic Seeker Lemm  ♦  Seer  ♦  Sly  ♦  Snail Shaman  ♦  Songstress Marissa  ♦  Steel Soul Jinn  ♦  The Hunter  ♦  The Last Stag  ♦  The Nightmare's Heart  ♦  The Pale King  ♦  The White Lady  ♦  Tiso  ♦  Troupe Master Grimm  ♦  Tuk  ♦  Unn  ♦  Vessel  ♦  Willoh  ♦  Zote the Mighty

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