Moss Prophet

moss prophet npc hollow knight wiki guide

Location Queen's Gardens

Moss Prophet is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Moss Prophet is a Mosskin preacher covered infected blobs who are in its early stage of The Infection.


Hollow Knight Moss Prophet Information

Moss Prophet can be found at the Moss Chapel in Queen's Gardens preaching about The Radiance to a group of Mossy Vagabonds - here you'll learn that the Moss Prophet along with their devotees are in its early stage of The Infection. Right after obtaining Monarch Wings or defeating the Dreamers, you'll find the Moss Prophet and the Mossy Vagabonds dead and has been completely consumed by the plague.

  • Location: Moss Prophet Can be found at the Moss Chapel in Queen's Gardens
  • Progression: Moss Prophet dies after acquiring Monarch Wings or defeating the Dreamers
  • Combat: Players may not kill Moss Prophet.


Moss Prophet Associated Quests in Hollow Knight

  • Moss Prophet has no associated quests in Hollow Knight


Moss Prophet Dialogue in Hollow Knight

Oooohhh radiant being, we are blessed. Your rays touch us. Your warmth fills us. Hallownest is born again, united in your blazing image. Oohhh...

Light is life, beaming, pure, brilliant. To stifle that light is to suppress nature. Nature suppressed distorts, plagues us. Embrace light! Achieve union! Oohh..Ahhh.


Hollow Knight (HK) Moss Prophet Notes & Tips

  • The Moss Prophet can be Dream Nailed to unlock extra dialogues.



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