Nailmaster Mato

nailmaster oro npc hollow knight wiki guide

Location Howling Cliffs

Nailmaster Mato is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Nailmaster Mato is a legendary master of the Nail Arts who is willing to bestow their technique to new wielders of the Nail.


Hollow Knight Nailmaster Mato Information

Nailmaster Mato is one of the three Nailmasters. Mato specializes in the Nail Art: Cyclone Slash. He is willing to teach and share his ways with the next generation of Nail wielders.

He was taken under the supervision of the Great Nailsage Sly along with his brothers Sheo and  Oro. His battle skills were weaker than those of his brothers, but he remained enthusiastic about learning. After speaking to him and learning the technique, he mentions that he considers The Knight to be his child.


Nailmaster Mato Associated Quests in Hollow Knight

  • Nailmaster Mato does not have any associated quest in Hollow Knight. 


Nailmaster Mato Dialogue in Hollow Knight

Hm? Ah, well met! Yes, I thought I could sense the aura of a fierce warrior approaching.

I'm impressed you found my sanctuary here at the top of the world. No doubt you've endured many trials and overcome many foes in your quest to find me.

No, don't speak a word. I, Nailmaster Mato, who was taught the Art of the Nail by the Great Nailsage himself, hereby accept you as my pupil!

Let us begin the lesson immediately!


Hollow Knight (HK) Nailmaster Mato Notes & Tips

  • Hollow Knight Nailmaster Mato Notes, Tips and Trivia go here.



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