Poggy Thorax


Location Pleasure house 

Poggy Thorax is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Poggy Thorax is a ghost in the pleasure House.


Hollow Knight Poggy Thorax Information

Judging by his dialogue he and his kin were eaten by high class bugs.

  • Location: Poggy Thorax Can be found at pleasure house 
  • Progression: None
  • Combat: may not kill Poggy Thorax.
  • Rewards: If dream nailed gives 1 essence


Poggy Thorax Dialogue in Hollow Knight

  • Skroink! You look pretty skinny. Very scrawny. That's the way to be I reckon.

    Just look at me! A great big, juicy, fatty, oily... scrumptious bug. No wonder I'm so popular around here.

    I've been waiting an awfully long while. Surely it's dinner time soon?


Hollow Knight (HK) PoggyThorax Notes & Tips

  • Note 1
  • Trivia and such go here



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