Salubra's Blessing

salubras blessing hollow knight wiki guide

A boon bestowed by Charm Lover Salubra.

Those blessed are followed by beauty and love.

Salubra's Blessing is an Item in Hollow Knight. It is used to slowly recover SOUL while resting at a bench. While resting, players will see a ghost of Salubra floating above The Knight bestowing The Knight with SOUL. Upgrade Items in Hollow Knight are items that are used to enhance The Knight's status such as health, SOUL, and equipment. Some Quest Items can be purchased from a Merchant and some are scattered throughout the map.


Hollow Knight Salubra's Blessing Usage

  • Slowly restores The Knight's SOUL while resting at a bench.


How to Find Salubra's Blessing in Hollow Knight


Hollow Knight Salubra's Blessing Notes & Tips

  • Purchasing her Blessing and collecting all Charms will reward players with the Blessed Trophy/Achievement.
  • Other Notes and Tips go here.


Arcane Egg  ♦  Bench  ♦  City Crest  ♦  Delicate Flower  ♦  Elegant Key  ♦  Geo  ♦  Godtuner  ♦  Hallownest Seal  ♦  Hunter's Journal  ♦  Hunter's Mark  ♦  King's Brand  ♦  King's Idol  ♦  Love Key  ♦  Lumafly Lantern  ♦  Map and Quill  ♦  Mask Shard  ♦  Notches  ♦  Pale Ore  ♦  Rancid Egg  ♦  Ruined Flower  ♦  Shopkeeper's Key  ♦  Simple Key  ♦  The Collector's Map  ♦  Tram Pass  ♦  Vessel Fragment  ♦  Wanderer's Journal

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