Simple Key

simple key hollow knight wiki guide

Simply, a simple key. It will fit a variety of locks, which is useful if you like to poke around in places you don't belong.

Simple Key is an Item in Hollow Knight. It is used to unlock doors with simple locks. Key Items can be used to unlock doors, chests, and new locations scattered throughout Hallownest. They can be purchased or found in various areas.



 Hollow Knight Simple Key Information

  • Unlocks doors with simple locks, but breaks after using.


Where to Find Simple Key in Hollow Knight

  • One can be bought by shopkeeper Sly in Dirtmouth for 950 Geo.
  • A key can be found in the City of Tears in a room to the top right, just below the City Storerooms stag station.
  • Another is found  in Ancient Basin at the bottom of the loop west of the bench. You'll need Crystal Heart to reach it. As you encounter the third Mawlurk that's on the ceiling, cross the room and then drop down the next passage, where you'll find a large dead creature that looks like a Mawlurk. Go inside its mouth to find a secret room where you'll find 1x Simple Key next to a corpse of a bug.
  • The last is located inside Colosseum of Fools. There's secret area behind a breakable wall to the right of the cage wall, outside the arena. Find, chase and kill the Pale Lurker inside to acquire the key.


Where to Use Simple Key in Hollow Knight

 The Simple Key can be used in the following locations:

  • At the entrance of the Royal Waterways from the City of Tears
  • In the cave to the right of Dirtmouth, past the graveyard
  • For the entrance of the Pleasure Room
  • In the Godseeker's Cocoon in the Junk Pit


Hollow Knight Simple Key Notes & Tips

  • Use a Simple Key to unlock Confessor Jiji's home at the far right of Dirtmouth, where you can give Rancid Egg in exchange for calling your Shade.
  • Use a Simple Key in City of Tears (West), in the room to the left of the foutain statue. It opens a hatch to the right, where you can see light coming out. This brings you down into the Royal Waterways.
  • Use a Simple Key in the City of Tears (East) to access the Pleasure Room.
  • Use a Simple Key to free Godseeker from her bonds in the Junk Pit.
  • Other notes and tips go here... 


Arcane Egg  ♦  Bench  ♦  City Crest  ♦  Delicate Flower  ♦  Elegant Key  ♦  Geo  ♦  Godtuner  ♦  Hallownest Seal  ♦  Hunter's Journal  ♦  Hunter's Mark  ♦  King's Brand  ♦  King's Idol  ♦  Love Key  ♦  Lumafly Lantern  ♦  Map and Quill  ♦  Mask Shard  ♦  Notches  ♦  Pale Ore  ♦  Rancid Egg  ♦  Ruined Flower  ♦  Salubra's Blessing  ♦  Shopkeeper's Key  ♦  The Collector's Map  ♦  Tram Pass  ♦  Vessel Fragment  ♦  Wanderer's Journal



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