
vessels characters hollow knight wiki guide300px
Location The Abyss

Vessel or Vessels is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Vessels are described as mysterious hollow beings, strange life-forms made of Void possessing no mind, no will, and no ability to feel pain. They were created by the Pale King and the White Lady. A Vessel's purpose is to become a host to contain the Infection and the Radiance. In order to do so, a Vessel must be completely pure (devoid of any kind of sentience - thoughts or free will) to prevent the Radiance from influencing it.


Hollow Knight Vessel Lore and Information

When the Radiance decided to invade the dreams and minds of the inhabitants of Hallownest to force them to remember and worship it, its influence caused a type of madness known as the Infection. To stop the Radiance’s attacks and takeover of Hallownest, the Pale King, with the assistance of the White Lady, decided to create beings called “Vessels“, empty life-forms whose sole purpose was to contain the Infection and the Radiance.

Countless Vessels were created and then abandoned in their birthplace in the Abyss, since they were deemed not strong enough to fight the Radiance. These Vessels were left in The Abyss, which was their Birthplace where they were infused with Void. Eventually, the Pale King was able to find a Vessel that he deemed to be pure enough to combat and contain the Infection and the Radiance. He raised the Pure Vessel, and named it the Hollow Knight. The Pale King and White Lady then sealed the Abyss with a seal that could only be broken by somebody that bore the King's Brand. Most of the abandoned Vessels remained in their birthplace, while a few escaped (including The Knight).

Once the Hollow Knight was fully grown and showed immense strength, it was chained and sealed up to contain The Infection and Radiance within the Temple of the Black Egg. But later, the Pale King realized that the Hollow Knight was not as pure as he had anticipated, but was actually tarnished by an emotional bond that had formed between them. The Radiance used that flaw to influence the Hollow Knight, once again causing the Infection to reemerge.

As the kingdom fell, the Pale King seemed to lose all control, and either fled or disappeared, along with his White Palace. The White Lady retreated into The Queen's Gardens, where she remained for many years. The Radiance’s vengeance caused most of the inhabitants of Hallownest to succumb to the Infection; some resisted, while many perished, becoming enraged zombified husks. With enough power and influence, the Radiance was able to break out of the Hollow Knight, cracking its shell and fully wreaking the Infection throughout the kingdom.

All Vessels in Hollow Knight

The Knight

The Knight in Hollow Knight is the main protagonist of the game, who players control. The mysterious Knight was able to escape the Abyss. They wandered outside of Hallownest, oblivious of the purpose for which it was created.


The Hollow Knight

The Hollow Knight, also known as the "Pure Vessel", “Sealed Vessel”,  or simply "the Vessel" is the chosen vessel that was given the task to seal the Infection and the Radiance. As the Pale King saw the Hollow Knight to be pure, it was raised in the kingdom and was used as seal for the Radiance once it was fully-grown. Eventually, the Pale King realized the Hollow Knight’s purity had been tarnished, and the Radiance eventually broke free and wreaked havoc with the Infection, leading to the events of the game.


The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel, also known as the Lost Kin, is a fallen Vessel located in the Ancient Basin. It was later reanimated by Lightseeds and thus Infected. Upon The Knight confronting it, the Infected Broken Vessel entered a state of frenzy, making it immensely strong and hostile.


Greenpath Vessel

Another vessel that can be found in Greenpath, where The Knight first encounters and fights Hornet. This vessel is no longer alive, and only its shell is left, but it holds the Mothwing Cloak which is handed over to The Knight upon searching it.
Its Nail is oddly stabbed through its heart, implying that it ended its own life, or Hornet killed it just before the Knight arrived and might have been hunting it down, as she despised the Vessels, vengefully believing them to be a "cursed kind" (according to her DreamNail dialogue) and wanted to rid them from the Kingdom so she could be its soul "protector".


Deepnest Vessels

The Vessels in Deepnest are known to have managed to somehow escape the Abyss and found themselves in Deepnest. These vessels were captured, and their empty shells can be seen hanging up in the background, snared by the hostile arachnids who inhabit the deathly place.


Vessels in the Abyss

Vessels that are mainly found in The Abyss, also known as the Birthplace. The Knight can find countless shells of the Vessels that have been abandoned where they were created after the place was sealed. However, these fallen Vessels still remain and exist there as Shade Siblings.


Hollow Knight (HK) Vessel Notes & Tips

  • Unlike Hornet, Vessels are void.


All NPCs in Hollow Knight
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