Controls in Hollow Knight is covered on this page. It contains the names of each action and its default mapping. Players may choose to remap the buttons according to their preference. To remap a key, select the specific action you wish to remap in your Options -> Controls menu, then press the key/button you wish to remap it to. For example, to remap the 'jump' from Z to Space on keyboard, you'll need to select 'jump' and then press Space.
The default mapping of the controls is for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.
Hollow Knight Controls
PC Default Key Bindings
- Up - UP Arrow Key
- Down - DOWN Arrow Key
- Left - LEFT Arrow Key
- Right - RIGHT Arrow Key
- Look Up - UP Arrow Key (Hold to view)
- Look Down - DOWN Arrow Key (Hold to view)
- Jump - Z
- Attack - X
- Focus/Cast - A (Hold to use Focus or travel via Dreamgate)
- Dream Nail - D (Hold to use Dream Nail or place a Dreamgate)
- Quick Cast - E
- Dash - C
- Super Dash - S
- Inventory - I
- Quick Map - TAB
- Pause - ESC
Nintendo Switch Default Controls
- Up/Down/Left/Right - Left Stick or Directional Buttons
- Look Up/Down - Right Stick
- Jump - B
- Attack - Y
- Focus/Cast - A (Hold to use Focus or travel via Dreamgate)
- Dream Nail - X (Hold to use Dream Nail or place a Dreamgate)
- Quick Cast - R Button
- Dash - ZR Button
- Super Dash - ZL Button
- Inventory - (-) Button
- Quick Map - L Button
- Pause - (+) Button
Xbox One Default Controls
- Up/Down/Left/Right - Left Stick or Directional Buttons
- Look Up/Down - Right Stick
- Jump - A
- Attack - X
- Focus/Cast - B (Hold to use Focus or travel via Dreamgate)
- Dream Nail - Y (Hold to use Dream Nail or place a Dreamgate)
- Quick Cast - RB Button
- Dash - RT Button
- Super Dash - LT Button
- Inventory - Back Button
- Quick Map - LB Button
- Pause - Start Button
PlayStation 4 Default Controls
- Up/Down/Left/Right - Left Stick or Directional Buttons
- Look Up/Down - Right Stick
- Jump - X Button
- Attack - Square
- Focus/Cast - Circle (Hold to use Focus or travel via Dreamgate)
- Dream Nail - Triangle (Hold to use Dream Nail or place a Dreamgate)
- Quick Cast - R1 Button
- Dash - R2 Button
- Super Dash - L2 Button
- Inventory - Touch Pad(Share button when using a PS4 controller in your PC)
- Quick Map - L1 Button (Double tap to open the full map from inventory)
- Pause - Options Button
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
how do I remap the jumping from z to space? I don't see "jump" in the controls page in options
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
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how do I confirm buying items in merchants offers? it doesn't say there is a button for it