The Knight

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The Knight in Hollow Knight is the protagonist of the game. Known by different aliases such as Ghost, Nailmaster, Lord of Shades, and many more to the various NPCs. The Knight has the appearance of a small insectoid being with a navy cape and a black body.


An enigmatic wanderer who descends into Hallownest carrying only a broken nail to fend off foes.


The Knight General Information

The Knight is a Vessel, a mystical insectoid being created by the higher beings The Pale King and The White Lady. They are made of Void and were born in The Abyss, a limbo-like place deep beneath Hallownest. The Pale King created many other vessels, one of which was the Hollow Knight. The Hollow Knight, who was the purest, was taken to the White Palace, while the other vessels, including the Knight, were discarded and left in the Abyss.

The Abyss was then sealed up, but somehow (never explained in the game) the Knight and a number of their Vessel siblings escaped. For a while, the Knight wandered the world, oblivious to their heritage and purpose. Some time later, the Knight was called back to Hallownest by the Hollow Knight, now sealed in the Temple of the Black Egg.

In the City of Tears, Hornet metaphorically mentions that the Knight was born from “two voids”, one being the Void of the Abyss, and the other an unknown region outside of Hallownest where they spent their youth. The time spent away from Hallownest caused them to forget the circumstances surrounding their creation and escape, but granted them great strength and resilience. After she is defeated the second time at Kingdom's Edge, Hornet will grudgingly encourage the Knight to acquire the King's Brand from the Cast-Off Shell, which she states will allow them to claim themself as King of Hallownest. The King's Brand also lets them enter the Abyss, which Hornet hopes will influence their decision to "perpetuate Hallownest".

Once the Knight obtains Void Heart and restores their memories, they gain the power to unify the Void under their will. This causes Hornet to ally with them in the final battle to save Hallownest.

The Knight starts off with an Old Nail as their sole weapon and the ability to heal themself with the use of SOUL. The Knight will be given access to new spells, powers, abilities, items, and upgrades as he progresses through their bizarre journey.


The Knight Health and Soul

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Health Mask

The Health of the Knight is represented by a number of masks in the upper-left corner of the screen. The Knight starts off with 5 masks. More can be obtained by finding Mask Shards. You will need 4 Mask Shards to create 1 new Health Mask, up to a maximum of 9 Health Masks. The Knight loses health when they run into enemies, are attacked, or touch an environmental hazard. Health can be regained by resting at a Bench or by using Focus.


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Soul Vessel

Soul Vessels are additional storage for SOUL. They are represented by small circles beside the main SOUL meter. You need 3 Vessel Fragments to craft 1 new Soul Vessel, up to a maximum of 3. Soul Vessels automatically transfer SOUL to the main meter when it has free space.

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Lifeblood Mask

Lifeblood Masks are blue masks added on top of the base health. They cannot be healed with Focus. They are granted by Lifeseed or specific Charms. Lifeblood Masks gained from seeds will disappear once you rest at a bench, while Lifeblood Masks granted by Charms will regenerate on resting.

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SOUL is represented by the circular meter next to the Health Masks. SOUL is used by The Knight to cast Spells such as Focus. SOUL is primarily gained by hitting enemies with the Nail. It can also be gained from Soul Totems or by using certain charms, e.g. Grubsong.


The Knight's Equipment and Abilities

Nail and Nail Arts

The Nail is The Knight's main weapon. It can be swung in four directions to hit enemies, walls or certain objects. It is The Knight's main tool for facing the dangers of Hallownest. As you progress throughout the game, you can choose to upgrade The Nail with Pale Ore and learn Nail Arts from Nailmasters to unlock new moves. Hitting anything with the Nail generates knockback. This mechanic can be used to traverse areas with spikes or to gain height from breakable objects. This is known as pogoing.

The following are Nail Arts that players may use when holding down the nail command to perform a powerful attack:

  • Cyclone Slash: The signature Nail Art of Nailmaster Mato. A spinning attack that rapidly strikes foes on all sides.
  • Dash Slash: The signature Nail Art of Nailmaster Oro. Strike ahead quickly after dashing forward.
  • Great Slash: The signature Nail Art of Nailmaster Sheo. Unleashes a huge slash directly in front of you which deals extra damage to foes.


Charms are special items that can be acquired by completing quests, searching areas, or purchasing them from Merchants. Charms provide enhancements to The Knight's existing powers as well as adding new ones  - including increased health, reduction of healing times, higher Nail damage and many more. There are 45 charms to be found while players can only carry 40 while replacing 5 at a time. In the beginning of the game, players will start off with 3 notches and will be able to work their way up to 11 notches.



Spells are skills that use SOUL. They have a variety of purposes like dealing damage, opening up new areas and dialogue and more. The starting spell is Focus, which replenishes The Knight's health. New spells can be found in various areas throughout Hallownest. There are 4 spells available in total. 3 of them can be upgraded into Void versions: for example, a Vengeful Spirit spell can be upgraded into Shade Soul. Spells are largely connected to Snail Shamans, one of whom you will encounter early in the game. Offensive spells tend to deal higher damage than the Nail, but they must be used sparingly as they drain your healing resource. 

  • Focus: Focus collected SOUL to repair your shell and heal damage.
  • Vengeful Spirit: Conjure a spirit that will fly forward and burn foes in its path.
  • Desolate Dive: Strike the ground with a concentrated force of SOUL. This force can destroy foes or break through fragile structures.
  • Howling Wraiths: Blast foes with screaming SOUL.
  • Shade Soul: Conjure a shadow that will fly forward and burn foes in its path.
  • Descending Dark: Strike the ground with a concentrated force of SOUL and Shadow. This force can destroy foes or break through fragile structures.
  • Abyss Shriek: Blast foes with screaming SOUL and Shadows.


Abilities are skills that do not require SOUL. This includes Mothwing CloakMonarch Wings, and more. Abilities provide you with new ways of traversing Hallownest and engaging in combat. There are 6 abilities available in total. Every time you gain an ability, it is automatically equipped and ready for use. Unlike with charms, you do not need to choose between abilities in your inventory - you can use any and all of them. Note that some areas can only be accessed once you have a certain ability. If you encounter a ledge or an item that's out of reach, don't worry; you can always come back later.

  • Mothwing Cloak: Cloak threaded with mothwing strands. Allows the wearer to dash forwards along the ground or through the air.
  • Mantis Claw: Claw carved from bone. Allows the wearer to cling to walls and leap off them.
  • Crystal Heart: The energy core of an old mining golem, fashioned around a potent crystal. The crystal's energy can be channeled to launch the bearer forward at dangerous speeds.
  • Monarch Wings: Wings of ethereal matter that shimmer in the darkness. Allows one to jump again in mid-air.
  • Isma's Tear: Fruit formed from a single hardened tear. Once ingested, it provides protection from the searing acidic pools found in certain parts of Hallownest.
  • Shade Cloak: Cloak formed from the substance of the Abyss. Allows the wearer to dash through enemies and their attacks without taking damage.
  • Dream Nail: Allows the wielder to cur through the veil between dreams and waking. Can be used to reveal hidden dreams or open gateways.
  • Dreamgate: Allows the wielder to travel instantly through dreams.


The Knight Gallery

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