Tram Pass

tram pass hollow knight wiki guide

A lifetime pass to the tramways connecting parts of Hallownest.

These passes cost a huge amount of Geo and each purchase required authorisation by the King.

Tram Pass is an Item in Hollow Knight. It unlocks the usage of riding the Tram for quick travel. Quest Items required to complete specific quests or progress the story. They may be given to NPCs, used to unlock features, or obtained from MerchantsNPCs, or specific Locations.



Hollow Knight Tram Pass Usage

  • Unlocks The Tram. Once you've acquired the Tram Pass, inspect the tram to activate it.



How to Find Tram Pass in Hollow Knight



Hollow Knight Tram Pass Notes & Tips

  • Notes and tips go here...
  • Other notes...


Arcane Egg  ♦  Bench  ♦  City Crest  ♦  Delicate Flower  ♦  Elegant Key  ♦  Geo  ♦  Godtuner  ♦  Hallownest Seal  ♦  Hunter's Journal  ♦  Hunter's Mark  ♦  King's Brand  ♦  King's Idol  ♦  Love Key  ♦  Lumafly Lantern  ♦  Map and Quill  ♦  Mask Shard  ♦  Notches  ♦  Pale Ore  ♦  Rancid Egg  ♦  Ruined Flower  ♦  Salubra's Blessing  ♦  Shopkeeper's Key  ♦  Simple Key  ♦  The Collector's Map  ♦  Vessel Fragment  ♦  Wanderer's Journal



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