Rancid Egg

rancid egg hollow knight wiki guide

I found this under the counter. Some creature must have laid it here while I was stuck down in the ruins.

I suppose you could buy it? I won't miss its sour odour.

Rancid Egg is a Trade Item in Hollow Knight. It can be traded with merchants in exchange for geo. Trade Items are special items that can be used to trade with certain NPCs or Merchants to gain rewards or request services, provided the required item is handed over.



Hollow Knight Rancid Egg Usage


How to Find Rancid Egg in Hollow Knight


Hollow Knight Rancid Egg Notes & Tips

  • Tuk will stop selling Rancid Eggs if The Knight has 80 and more Rancid Eggs in possession.
  • Other notes and tips go here.


Arcane Egg  ♦  Bench  ♦  City Crest  ♦  Delicate Flower  ♦  Elegant Key  ♦  Geo  ♦  Godtuner  ♦  Hallownest Seal  ♦  Hunter's Journal  ♦  Hunter's Mark  ♦  King's Brand  ♦  King's Idol  ♦  Love Key  ♦  Lumafly Lantern  ♦  Map and Quill  ♦  Mask Shard  ♦  Notches  ♦  Pale Ore  ♦  Ruined Flower  ♦  Salubra's Blessing  ♦  Shopkeeper's Key  ♦  Simple Key  ♦  The Collector's Map  ♦  Tram Pass  ♦  Vessel Fragment  ♦  Wanderer's Journal

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