Dream Wielder

dream wielder hollow knight wiki charms

Cost: soul cost hollow knight wiki
Geo:  N/A
Location: Resting Grounds
Effect: Allows the bearer to charge the Dream Nail faster and collect more SOUL when striking foes.

Dream Wielder in Hollow Knight is one out of the 45 Charms that are found in the game. These charms are special items that provide The Knight buffs that will help with both traversing Hallownest and battling its foes. Charms require Notches and can only be equipped and unequipped while having The Knight sit on a bench.


Hollow Knight Dream Wielder Information

"Transient charm created for those who wield the Dream Nail and collect essence."

The Dream Wielder is best used as a way to farm SOUL. Each time you hit an enemy with the Dream Nail, The Knight is able to absorb +33 more SOUL and at the same time reduces the attack speed of the Dream Nail from 2.4 seconds to 0.9 seconds. However, the Dream Nail doesn't deal any damage and only executes a knockback towards an enemy.

The Dream Wielder also allows The Knight to receive more Essence after killing an enemy.

  • Chance of Essence drop: from killed enemies: 0.5% to 1% while the Dream Wielder is equipped.


Dream Wielder Acquisition in Hollow Knight

  • Location: Resting Grounds
  • Acquisition: This charm is acquired for 500 Essence from the last surviving member of the moth tribe, Seer.


Hollow Knight (HK) Dream Wielder Notes & Tips

  • Charms can only be equipped and unequipped by using a bench.
  • The Knight can only use the Dream Nail while standing still.
  • When Dreamshield is equipped with Dream Wielder, the shield will gain a 15% size increase and regenerate faster.



All Charms in Hollow Knight
Baldur Shell  ♦  Carefree Melody  ♦  Dashmaster  ♦  Deep Focus  ♦  Defender's Crest  ♦  Dreamshield  ♦  Flukenest  ♦  Fragile Greed  ♦  Fragile Heart  ♦  Fragile Strength  ♦  Fury of the Fallen  ♦  Gathering Swarm  ♦  Glowing Womb  ♦  Grimmchild  ♦  Grubberfly's Elegy  ♦  Grubsong  ♦  Heavy Blow  ♦  Hiveblood  ♦  Joni's Blessing  ♦  Kingsoul  ♦  Lifeblood Core  ♦  Lifeblood Heart  ♦  Longnail  ♦  Mark of Pride  ♦  Nailmaster's Glory  ♦  Quick Focus  ♦  Quick Slash  ♦  Shaman Stone  ♦  Shape of Unn  ♦  Sharp Shadow  ♦  Soul Catcher  ♦  Soul Eater  ♦  Spell Twister  ♦  Spore Shroom  ♦  Sprintmaster  ♦  Stalwart Shell  ♦  Steady Body  ♦  Thorns of Agony  ♦  Unbreakable Greed  ♦  Unbreakable Heart  ♦  Unbreakable Strength  ♦  Void Heart  ♦  Wayward Compass  ♦  Weaversong


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