Steel Soul Jinn

steel soul jinn npc hollow knight wiki guide

Location Dirtmouth

Steel Soul Jinn is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Steel Soul Jinn is a merchant that is only available in Steel Soul Mode.


Hollow Knight Steel Soul Jinn Information

Steel Soul Jinn is an exclusive merchant that only appears if a player is in Steel Soul Mode. Jinn doesn't sell items but buys Rancid Eggs from The Knight — she is also found at the same spot where Confessor Jiji is found, and she replaces her. She doesn't say that much about her past but mentions that she is fragile and cannot take any damage.

  • Location: Steel Soul Jinn Can be found at Dirtmouth 
  • Combat: Players may not kill Steel Soul Jinn.


Steel Soul Jinn Associated Quests in Hollow Knight

  • Jinn buys off Rancid Eggs in exchange for Geo.


Steel Soul Jinn Dialogue in Hollow Knight

...Is It... here, waking Jinn?.. Observed... Small. Dull. No Soul. Long shadow... It is blank, but brave... Does it bring offering?

Jinn, has only many small, shiny things... useless to Jinn, but will trade for wonderful gift.


Hollow Knight (HK) Steel Soul Jinn Notes & Tips

  •  Notes for Steel Soul Jinn goes here.


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